My user page, automatically generated.
TinyGo drivers for sensors, displays, wireless adaptors, and other devices that use I2C, SPI, GPIO, ADC, and UART interfaces.
Tools for working with no-metadata 1-bit per pixel images
JavaScript parser for todo.txt formatted text files.
Heroku buildpack to let you use git deploy keys with your private repositories
These are toy implementations around small, esoteric languages, written in Go.
A demo repo showing @11ty/eleventy-fetch
An alternative client for connecting to Authy
Simple CLI visualizer for packets (or any binary data really)
RTSP to HLS server for watching birbs
Alternative server listing for VIGRID DayZ Battle Royale, with notifications on server restart.
Convert a WordPress XML export to a new 11ty Blog
A demo of invoking pinentry and the assuan protocol.
Data source running on Cloudflare workers for to provide advent of code star badges.
GitHub action to run the Playdate compiler on your code.
go:embed examples
Attempting Advent of Code (a thing I never finish) in Rust (a language I do not know)
Simple OSX app to allow display of pressed keys. Great for screencasts.
Chromatic CLI: `npx chromatic`
Example configuration for the Chromatic GitHub action in a monorepo.
A demo project using OAuth to secure some of your Eleventy Serverless routes.
A simple command line tool to give you a fancy command line interface to dive into Awesome lists.
The External Secrets Kubernetes operator reads information from a third party service like AWS Secrets Manager and automatically injects the values as Kubernetes Secrets.
Yelp to Slack via GCF
John attempts to bring his JavaScript knowledge up to date while completing AoC.
Take control over your live stream video by running it yourself. Streaming + chat out of the box.
A simple Swiftmailer transport using AWS-SES
Consume Less. Create More.
John attempts to learn Rust while solving AoC problems.
Demo of a (very dumb) calculator lexer and parser in Go.
Hacked Up Webcam + Radiation Source = Random Numbers?
Extension to switch domains in Google Chrome without switching paths.
A plugin for Wordpress that flips your site upside down (sort of)
Stuff from my 2017 200OK talk on Kubernetes
Yet another echo server.
ArnoldC parser, interpreter and compiler in Go
Experimental buildpack for dropping a bundle of secret files.
Color package for Go (golang)
Your friendly community JavaScript conference (in outer space).
Chrome extension to make JIRA open external links in a new tab.
NEJS talk about GopherJS and Vecty - March 6, 2018[NEJS]%20Go,%20JavaScript%20and%20You/index.html#1
CLI to scan plugin directories, and an HTTP server to scan zips from
HTTP server that gives you the timestamp. Good debugging tool.
Git subcommands to lock/unlock push URL's for remotes
Update your Slack status with your currently playing song in GPDMP
A toy slack slash command for converting numbers to different bases.
My work on Advent of Code 2016
Anonymous Code of Conduct reporting via Twilio
Unicorn Blitz!
Rails inspired DB Migration module for kohana
Tweet wall for NEJS Conference. Hack job.
An early Python implementation of sdmp/signed-yaml
Easily add users to a Twitter list.
A multi-user server for dropping files onto S3.
Twitter Stream focuses on providing a nice interface to open a stream connection and present the end-user with individual objects for each tweet.
Chrome extension to hide content syndication networks such as zergnet or outbrain.
URL's too short? Longen them!
Allow the internet to control your Hue lights via Twitter!
Two player NES over websockets. (Proof of Concept, DOESNT WORK)
Code generators for Objective-C because I don't know any better and I want things now.
A collection of scripts I use for simple needs.
NSDate categories to access date components and many more
Chrome extension to inject a better print stylesheet into the Vegetarian Times recipe section.
Flask-based web front-end for monitoring RQ queues.
An iOS7 style circular progress view with a stop button.
A webcam proxy/cache thing.
Game of breaking broken software from HowConf 2013
A Firefox add-on to opt-out of ad networks.
Stupid encryption for Kohana. Rijndael-256, PBKDF2, no BS.
A simple, SQL based migrations system for Kohana 3.
Addon script to provide a short git prompt info to a bash prompt
Spelling suggestion module for Kohana 3 with flexible backends.
Quick Edit /etc/hosts
Clone of
A jQuery Photo Panorama Plugin
A fake data generator for Kohana
A plugin to aggregate Twitter favorites for the lifestream application, Storytlr
An IRC bot to interact with a Google Code project.
Chrome extension to quickly see random I Live in Omaha users / reasons.
The core of the Storytlr platform
This is a Github plugin for the Storytlr lifestream application.
Sanity is a simple Action Items tracker web app with Mobile capabilities.
A collection of little scripts to run on your USB7
A Handy Way To Develop PHP For Twilio
Lazer Catz! What more do you need to know?!
Basic cross-domain analytics with node.js. A practical application of the Xoket framework.
Add UserPing to your WordPress installation.
Sync and watch your github watch list.
Script to run with curl to update twitter accounts for weather reports.
A super-simple video device library.
A visual effects library for OpenCV
A Buzz plugin for the lifestream application, Storytlr
A Get Satisfaction plugin for the lifestream application, Storytlr.
Storytlr plugin for Gitorious
A storytlr plugin that allows you to import zootool images
A Storytlr plugin that will add bookmarked images into your stream
A plugin for Storytlr open that will import data from your feed
A python library for SDict files, ripped out of SDict Viewer.
A Scribd plugin for the lifestream application, Storytlr
A plugin for the lifestream application, Storytlr.
A foursquare plugin for the lifestream application, Storytlr
A Stack Overflow plugin for the lifestream application, Storytlr
A super-flexible, cross-platform reminder application.
A plugin for Storytlr that adds support for a account.
Simple Python file storage/search/tagging.
Open Source host-proof password storage based on PHP and Gibberish AES.